Our Application & Documentation service is tailored to assist businesses with the smooth application process for various employment-related passes required for hiring foreign workers. These include the S Pass, Work Permit (WP), Employment Pass (EP), and other necessary documentation. Our team works closely with your organization to ensure that all regulatory requirements are met when hiring foreign talent.
We manage the entire process, from gathering the necessary documents to submitting applications, ensuring that the passes are applied for and approved without unnecessary delays. We offer a comprehensive service, handling:
Work Permit (WP):
Required for unskilled or semi-skilled foreign workers. We ensure that all criteria are met for the application, including compliance with quotas, and submit the application on your behalf.
S Pass:
For mid-skilled foreign workers. We ensure that the eligibility criteria, including the minimum salary requirements, are met and submit the application for approval.
Employment Pass (EP):
For highly skilled foreign professionals, managers, or executives. We handle the submission of applications, ensuring that the candidate meets the criteria for employment and salary, including the necessary professional qualifications and experience.
Other Passes:
Including Dependant Passes, Long-Term Visit Passes, and others, based on your employee’s specific needs.
Our process ensures that all required documents are submitted correctly the first time, speeding up approval times and reducing the risk of delays or rejections from immigration authorities. We also stay updated with changes in immigration policies, ensuring that your business remains compliant with local employment laws.